Minggu, 14 Desember 2014


AK-47 in 1947

Performance characteristics                              AK-47

Caliber, mm                                                         7,62x39
Length, mm                                                             870
Barrel length, mm                                                    415
Weight empty, kg                                                     4.3
magazine capacity                                                    30
Rate of fire, shots per minute                                  600
Effective range, m                                                   400

Military Globe - The decision to transfer the primary small arms at an intermediate cartridge was made in the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. This cartridge was created in 1943, and under him began the development of a family of small arms, including a self-loading rifle (SCS), and automatic light machine gun (RPD). Development of machines on a competitive basis were employed several designers and collectives and among them - the young sergeant Mikhail Kalashnikov, who worked at the time when machine-gun Kovrov Plant (now Degtyarev Plant). At least, that's what they say in the official history of the mass of the sample machines in the world. In 1946, Kalashnikov, along with other participants in the contest presented a sample of the machine, where it has shown good results. For the second stage of the competition, held in 1947,

Kalashnikov considerably reworked his gun, and in a modified form that has been recommended to the adoption. After initial military trials in 1949, a Kalashnikov officially accepted into service as' 7.62mm Kalashnikov rifle sample 1947 "or simply AK (sometimes refer to the AK-47). In the original version of the AK-47 had a receiver of a combined structure, assembled from stamped and milled elements, but this design was not sufficiently tight, and the mass production of AK-47 went with tselnofrezerovannoy receiver.

AK and AKM subsequently widely supplied friendly Soviet countries and regimes, as in the form of finished weapons, as well as licenses for the production, coupled with the necessary documentation and technical assistance. 7.62 mm machine guns were produced in Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Egypt, Iraq, China, Romania, North Korea, Finland and delivered in more countries. The total number of Kalashnikov rifles produced in the world over the past 50 years, according to conservative estimations estimated at no less than 50 million units. Kalashnikovs in one way or another served as models when creating such systems as Galil (Israel), FN FNC (Belgium), SIG SG-550 (Switzerland) and many others. Civilian semi-automatic versions of the AK enjoy great popularity in Russia (rifles and shotguns series "Saiga") and abroad, especially in the United States.

      One of the myths associated with AK states that Kalashnikov "sketched" his machine from German machine MR-43, also known as Stg.44. Indeed, at first glance, the external layout of the AK-43 and MR is similar, as is similar to the concept and automatic weapons under the intermediate cartridge. Similar outline of the barrel, front sight and the vapor tube due to the use of gas operated a similar engine (invented long before Schmeisser and Kalashnikov). Dismantling of the AK-43 and MR differs fundamentally: AK removed from the cover of the receiver, in the MR-43 swings down on a pin trigger box with operating handle after removing the back plate receiver with the butt. Also different barrel locking device (butterfly valve at AK against shutter skew in MR-43) and the trigger mechanism. It is likely that the Kalashnikov was aware of the MP-43, but it is clear that when creating his machine he is more focused on other famous models and systems. The main merit of the Kalashnikov (or rather - the whole team has been developing and debugging machine), it is the optimal arrangement is already known and proven solutions in a single sample that meets the requirements.

      Advantages AK known. This exceptional reliability even in the toughest conditions, simplicity to the service, ease of use and maintenance, low cost. Disadvantages, however, are also well known. It is, first of all, poor ergonomics of all weapons - especially a lot of deserved criticism is translator-fuse, inconvenient to use and when switching a loud click into place. Rather crude iron sights with a short sighting also do not contribute to the accuracy of shooting, especially single shots. Pistol grip and buttstock are also not the most convenient form. Moreover, all these shortcomings could be easily removed when not in AKM, then in exactly the AK-74, but the conservative military officers, and producers, was, unfortunately, impenetrable. In general, the AK can be described as the perfect weapon for a long time already passed the Second World War, which is not surprising - it was created on the basis of fresh and very harsh experience of the war. However, I note in parentheses, the generals of all countries have always preparing for the last war. For modern conditions of local wars and conflicts all family AK / AKM / AK-74 in its present form is already largely out of date, but how any serious replacement, unfortunately, is not expected - automatic Nikonov AN-94 clearly AK-74 in the armed forces is fully in place.

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