Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

AKM 1959 ( Ak 59)

AKM -59

Performance characteristics                        AKM

Caliber, mm                                                  7,62x39
Length, mm                                                      870
Weight with loaded magazine, kg                     4,876
Weight empty, kg                                              4.3
magazine capacity                                              30
Rate of fire, shots per minute                             600
Muzzle velocity, m / s                                        700
Combat rate of single, in. / M.                        90-100
Combat rate bursts in. / M.                               400

Military Globe - By 1959 AK operating experience has been modified, and in 1959 accepted into service AKM rifle - AKM, distinguished primarily tselnoshtampovannyh receiver smaller mass, raised up the butt and a modified trigger mechanism, the design of which was introduced by the moderator activation of the trigger (sometimes mistakenly called the rate of fire retardant). Along with AKM has been adopted and a new bayonet, which had a hole in the blade, it can be used together with a sheath as wire cutters to cut the wire. Another improvement that appeared in the ACM, was the introduction of muzzle compensator, is screwed onto the threads on the muzzle of the barrel. Instead compensator on the barrel can be mounted silencer PBS-1, which requires the use of special ammunition "US" subsonic bullets. ACM can be equipped with a 40mm GP-25. Sights AKM markup received up to 1000 meters instead of 800 meters on the AK-47 (in any case, shooting AK / AKM to a range of over 400 meters - almost a waste of ammo).

      The basis of automatic AKM is a gas engine with a long stroke gas piston. The leading element of automation is a massive slide, which is rigidly attached to the gas piston rod. Gas chamber is located above the barrel, the piston moves within the gas removable gas tube mounted thereon handguard. The bolt frame moves inside the receiver on two side rails, with a design provided significant gaps between the moving parts of Automation and fixed elements of the receiver, which provides reliable operation even under strong internal contamination weapons. Another aspect contributing to the reliability of automation in harsh conditions - obviously redundant in normal conditions, the power of the gas engine. This eliminates the gas regulator, and thus simplify the design of several weapons and their use. The cost of this solution is to increase efficiency and vibration weapons when firing, which reduces the precision and accuracy of fire. The barrel is locked by turning the bolt on two massive lugs meshed with elements of the receiver. Rotation of the shutter is provided with a protrusion on its interaction with the body shaped groove on the inner surface of the bolt. The recoil spring guide rod, and with its base formed as a single assembly. The base of the rod return spring is also a latch receiver cover. Cocking lever is made integral with the slide frame, located on the right weapons and moves when shooting.

      AKM Receiver - stamped from sheet steel with riveted milled insert in the front part of it. In the early AK receiver was combined from stamped and milled elements of serial AK-47 - tselnofrezerovannoy. At first glance, milled and stamped receiver can be easily distinguished from each other in the form of grooves on the receiver for the store. At AK-47 with milled box is sufficiently long milled recess rectangular on AKM - it vyshtampovki small oval.
      The trigger mechanism (USM) AKM - trigger, ensure the maintenance of single and automatic fire. The choice of modes of fire and the inclusion of the fuse carried long pressed the lever on the right side of the receiver. In the up position - "Fuse" - it closes the slot in the receiver, protecting the mechanism from dirt and dust blocks the movement of the bolt back and locks the trigger. In the middle position it blocks the sear single lamp, providing automatic fire. In the lower position sear single lamp is released, providing fire single shots. In USM AKM, unlike the AK-47, introduced the moderator trip trigger (sometimes mistakenly referred to as the rate of fire retardant), which delays the fire with automatic descent trigger after triggering the self-timer for a few milliseconds. This allows the slide frame to stabilize in its most forward position after her arrival ahead and a possible rebound. On rate of fire, this delay has virtually no effect, but improves the stability of the weapon.
      Muzzle of the table AK and AKM has a thread, usually closed protective sleeve. This thread can be mounted device for a silencer BSS or PBS-1, in common parlance - the muffler. Together with BSS used special ammunition "US" with reduced muzzle velocity to subsonic heavier bullets. For ACM, moreover, was introduced as a muzzle compensator spoon-shaped protrusion on the muzzle bushing. This compensator is designed to reduce the diversion of trunk up due to the fact that escaping from the table powder gases under pressure compensator on the ledge, creating a force counteracting cornering power trunk up because of the vertical arm recoil. It should be noted that the conduct aimed fire single shots such compensator exclusively plays the opposite role, a little degrading accuracy of firing bullets and increasing dissipation due to the uneven impact of the gases on the bullet at the point of exit from the barrel. But, as on the technical task for the AKM is the main mode of automatic fire, this property compensator can be neglected, and if necessary - simply remove it from the barrel.

  Power machines made from box stores dual inline cartridges. The nominal capacity of the store - 30 rounds. Early stores have been stamped from steel, with planar walls. Later, there were stamped from steel shops with vertical curved podshtampovki on the side for increased rigidity. Then the troops were plastic shopping typical dirty orange. If necessary, can be applied to the AKM-40 cartridge horns and 75 drum cartridge from the machine gun shops PKK.

      In the early machines handguard, pistol grip and butt - wooden buttstock has a steel back plate with a spring-loaded lid covering the storage compartment for cleaning and maintenance of weapons. On the crest of the stock AKM raised up to reduce planted weapons when firing. On the part of the automatic pistol grip is made of plywood or plastic. AK and AKM are equipped with bayonet and scabbard and gun belt. Specially designed for airborne troops modification AKS and AKMS had a folding stock, made of stamped steel profile. These butts folded down and forward, under the receiver, belonging to such machines worn separately.

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